Participación de MHUEL en el 3º aniversario de Radio La Granja



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3º aniversario asoziate- 1º jornada- reivindicación

Celebramos el 3º Aniversario de Asoziate, este año, por sectores. Ayer, fue toda la jornada de reivindicación, una jornada de lucha y de defensa de los derechos sociales. Agradecemos los saludos de los Celtas cortos, y el buen trato recibido, hacia Radio La Granja, un abrazo a todos

1- Cuña asóziate ? (00-00.23)-

2- Presentación ? Stars on 45 ? Tarzán boy (00.23- 2.32)

3- Saludo Jesús Cifuentes- celtas cortos- por canción de fiesta- celtas cortos (2.32-2.54)

4- Canción de la fiesta- Celtas cortos (2.54- 7.06)

5- Saludos de Jesús Cifuentes Al 3º Aniversario de Asoziate, para colectivos (7.06-7.21)

6- Mhuel- (Movimiento hacia un estado Laico) -. (7.21- 23.20)

7- Cut- Azsa ? (23.20- 37.31)

8- Jubilados Indignados (37.31- 52.30)

9- Partido Uisa ? Isi (52.30- 1.08.50)

10- Vpo- Viviendas para Okupar (1.08.50- 1.18.26)

11- Hablamos cuando hablamos con Celtas cortos, y cuando le damos el regalo a Jesús Cifuentes y a todos los celtas ? Que majos son, con audio (1.18.26- 1.21.23)

12- Despedida del programa, con canción de Vpo- y con canción final de M- Clan- Por los días que vendrán (1.21.23- al final)

2 comentarios sobre “Participación de MHUEL en el 3º aniversario de Radio La Granja”

  1. Humana People to People is a global network
    of aid agencies from more than 40 countries on five continents.
    Forged during the upheaval engendered by the system of Apartheid in South Africa in the
    1970s, Humana recognized that the end of colonialism and
    Apartheid in 1994 was not the end of suffering. While they
    had assisted in winning the fight for equality in South Africa, there were communities in need across the globe.
    The obvious continuation of their program to help people in South Africa
    was to extend this aid to the rest of the world. Thus, Humana People
    to People was born from the struggle for basic human rights for
    all people.

    To call Humana People to People an aid agency is to oversimplify its core guiding
    principles and its aim when it enters communities.

    Rather than simply offering aid in the way that one might cover a wound with
    a bandage, Humana seeks to transform whole communities, giving them
    tools that will enable them to solve their current problems and guard against issues that might arise in the future.
    This is a “top down” approach that maintains
    the only way to aid both people and communities is to fundamentally
    change the core elements that keep them from succeedi\

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